R Wrapper For Googledocs Java Library
Programmatically substitute images, data and tables into a google doc or presentation. R library to perform limited interactions with google docs and slides in R via the Java API library. The purpose being to support google docs as a platform for interactive development and documentation of data analysis in R for scientific publication, although it is not limited to this purpose. The workflow supported is a parallel documentation and analysis where a team of people are working collaboratively on documentation, whilst at the same time analysis is being performed and results updated repeatedly as a result of new data. In this environment updating numeric results, tabular data and figures in word documents manually becomes annoying. With roogledocs you can automate this a bit like a RMarkdown document, but with the added benefit that the content can be updated independently of the analysis, by the wider team.
Version: 0.5.0
Generated: 2024-04-27T13:56:10.506316288
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get(logLevel)
- logLevel
optional - the slf4j log level as a string - one of OFF (most specific, no logging), FATAL (most specific, little data), ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE (least specific, a lot of data), ALL (least specific, all data)
Package classes and static methods
J$RoogleDocs$docById(shareUrlOrDocId, tokenDirectory, disabled)
J$RoogleDocs$docFromTemplate(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
J$RoogleDocs$deleteDocument(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
Package initialisation and control
Package method JavaApi$installDependencies()
This package level method checks for, and installs any dependencies needed for the running of the package. It is called automatically on first package load and so in general does not need to be used directly.
Package method JavaApi$rebuildDependencies()
This package level method removes existing dependencies and re-installs dependencies needed for the running of the package. It is called automatically on first package load and so in general does not need to be called.
Package method JavaApi$versionInformation()
This package level method returns debugging version information for the package
Package method JavaApi$get()
This is the main entry point for the package and the root of the Java API in this package. All classes defined in the package are made available as items under this root. The JavaApi object manages the communication between R and Java.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
# package classes and functions are nested under the `J` api object.
Api method J$changeLogLevel(logLevel)
Once the package is initialised the log level can be changed to increase the level of messages from the api.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
Api method J$reconfigureLog(log4jproperties)
Experimental / Advanced use: Once the package is initialised the log configureation can be changed to log to an external file for example.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
prp = fs::path(getwd(),"log4j.properties")
if (fs::file_exists(prp)) {
Api method J$printMessages()
Experimental / Internal use: Messages from Java to R are queued and printed after each function call. It is unlikely that any will be not printed so in normal circumstances this function should do nothing.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
Static methods and constructors
Method RoogleDocs$new()
Create a Roogledocs object for managing the interaction.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleDocs$new(tokenDirectory, disabled)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleDocs$reauth()
Re-authenticate roogledocs library
Re-authenticate the service deleting the existing OAuth tokens may be helpful if there is some problem.
Generally this is only be needed if application permission updates are needed in which case the directory can be manually deleted anyway, or if you want to switch google user without using a different tokenDirectory.
Method RoogleDocs$docById()
Get a document by id or sharing link.
- shareUrlOrDocId the url from clicking a share button in google docs or an id from searchForDocuments() method
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleDocs$docByName()
Get a document by name or create a blank document if missing.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleDocs$docByName(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::doc_by_name(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
- title a document title. If there is an exact match in google drive then that document will be used
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleDocs$docFromTemplate()
Get a document by name or create one from a template if missing.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleDocs$docFromTemplate(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::doc_from_template(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
- title a document title. If there is an exact match in google drive then that document will be used otherwise a new one will be created.
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- templateUri the share link (or document id) of a template google document
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleDocs$searchForDocuments()
Search for documents with the given title
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleDocs$searchForDocuments(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::search_for_documents(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
- titleMatch a string to be searched for as an approximate match. All results will be retrieved with document ids.
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
Method RoogleDocs$deleteDocument()
Deletes a google document by name.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleDocs$deleteDocument(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::delete_document(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
- docName - the name of a document to delete. must be an exact and unique match.
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- areYouSure - a boolean check. - (defaulting to `utils::askYesNo(paste0('Are you sure ...`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
- tokenDirectory - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleDocs$citationStyles()
List the supported citation styles
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
Method RoogleSlides$new()
Create a RoogleSlides object for managing the interaction.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleSlides$new(tokenDirectory, disabled)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleSlides$slidesById()
Get a document by id or sharing link.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleSlides$slidesById(shareUrlOrDocId, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::slides_by_id(shareUrlOrDocId, tokenDirectory, disabled)
- shareUrlOrDocId the url from clicking a share button in google slides or an id from searchForDocuments() method
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleSlides$slidesByName()
Get a document by name or create a blank document if missing.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleSlides$slidesByName(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::slides_by_name(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
- title a document title. If there is an exact match in google drive then that document will be used
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleSlides$slidesFromTemplate()
Get a document by name or create one from a template if missing.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleSlides$slidesFromTemplate(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::slides_from_template(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
- title a document title. If there is an exact match in google drive then that document will be used otherwise a new one will be created.
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- templateUri the share link (or document id) of a template google document
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled a flag to switch roogledocs off (on a document by document basis, for testing or development. This can be set globally with `options('roogledocs.disabled'=TRUE)` - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
Method RoogleSlides$searchForSlides()
Search for documents with the given title
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleSlides$searchForSlides(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::search_for_slides(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
- titleMatch a string to be searched for as an approximate match. All results will be retrieved with document ids.
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- tokenDirectory the place to store authentication tokens. This should not be checked into version control. - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
Method RoogleSlides$deleteSlides()
Deletes a google slides by name.
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
J$RoogleSlides$deleteSlides(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# this method is also exposed as a package function:
roogledocs::delete_slides(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
- docName - the name of a document to delete. must be an exact and unique match.
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- areYouSure - a boolean check. - (defaulting to `utils::askYesNo(paste0('Are you sure ...`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
- tokenDirectory - (defaulting to `.tokenDirectory()`)
- (java expects a RCharacter)
- disabled - (defaulting to `getOption('roogledocs.disabled',FALSE)`)
- (java expects a RLogical)
## -----------------------------------
## Check library dependencies for roogledocs
## -----------------------------------
## -----------------------------------
## Construct a roogledocs Java API instance
## -----------------------------------
J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get()
#> Initialised roogledocs
# or a more verbose configuration
# J = roogledocs::JavaApi$get("DEBUG")
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$new(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleDocs$new(tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::new(tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$reauth(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::reauth(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
# or alternatively:
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$docById(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::doc_by_id(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleDocs$docById(shareUrlOrDocId, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::doc_by_id(shareUrlOrDocId, tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$docByName(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::doc_by_name(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleDocs$docByName(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::doc_by_name(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$docFromTemplate(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::doc_from_template(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleDocs$docFromTemplate(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::doc_from_template(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$searchForDocuments(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::search_for_documents(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleDocs$searchForDocuments(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::search_for_documents(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$deleteDocument(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::delete_document(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleDocs$deleteDocument(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::delete_document(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleDocs$citationStyles(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::citation_styles(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
# or alternatively:
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleSlides$new(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleSlides$new(tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::new(tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleSlides$slidesById(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::slides_by_id(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleSlides$slidesById(shareUrlOrDocId, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::slides_by_id(shareUrlOrDocId, tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleSlides$slidesByName(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::slides_by_name(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleSlides$slidesByName(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::slides_by_name(title, tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleSlides$slidesFromTemplate(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::slides_from_template(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleSlides$slidesFromTemplate(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::slides_from_template(title, templateUri, tokenDirectory, disabled)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleSlides$searchForSlides(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::search_for_slides(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleSlides$searchForSlides(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::search_for_slides(titleMatch, tokenDirectory)
## -----------------------------------
## Method `J$RoogleSlides$deleteSlides(...)`
## Aliased as `roogledocs::delete_slides(...)`
## -----------------------------------
if (FALSE) {
# no example given - appropriate parameter values must be provided:
J$RoogleSlides$deleteSlides(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)
# or alternatively:
roogledocs::delete_slides(docName, areYouSure, tokenDirectory, disabled)