Some work in progress R functions related to the covid 19 epidemic
Version: 0.03
Generated: 2022-05-24T22:12:30.918083
logLevel | optional - the slf4j log level as a string - one of OFF (most specific, no logging), FATAL (most specific, little data), ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE (least specific, a lot of data), ALL (least specific, all data) |
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get(logLevel)
J$GrowthRateEstimator$strictGrowthRateAndRtEstimator(minWindow, maxWindow, infectivityProfiles)
J$GrowthRateEstimator$defaultGrowthRateAndRtEstimator(minWindow, maxWindow, initialIncidence)
J$GrowthRateEstimator$defaultGrowthRateEstimator(minWindow, maxWindow)
J$CoriEstimator$defaultEpiEstim(infectivityProfile, meanR0, sdR0, window)
J$CoriEstimator$defaultUncertainEpiEstim(infectivityProfiles, meanR0, sdR0, window, n2)
Produces a GrowthRateEstimator that is configured to behave in a sensible fashion, with sane defaults. In that it estimates an initial poisson rate prior from the first entry and returns a fixed window size and aggregates uncertain SI distributions with a random resampling strategy<br><br>
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$GrowthRateEstimator$new(minWindow, maxWindow)
R6 GrowthRateEstimator object:
Produces a GrowthRateEstimator that will estimate growth rate and $R_t$, with sane defaults. The $R_t$ estimation is done using bootstrapping, and combining the results using a mixture distribution. This will be relatively slow.
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$GrowthRateEstimator$strictGrowthRateAndRtEstimator(minWindow, maxWindow, infectivityProfiles)
R6 GrowthRateEstimator object: a strict growth rate and \(R_t\) estimator that accounts for uncertainty in the infectivity profile.
Produces a GrowthRateEstimator that will estimate growth rate and $R_t$, with sane defaults. The $R_t$ estimation is done using a single infectivity profile and does not account for infectivity profile uncertainty. This is comparatively fast.<br><br>
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$GrowthRateEstimator$defaultGrowthRateAndRtEstimator(minWindow, maxWindow, initialIncidence)
R6 GrowthRateEstimator object: a growth rate and \(R_t\) estimator that does not account for uncertainty in the infectivity profile.
Produces a GrowthRateEstimator that will estimate growth rate only, with sane defaults, unless an infectivity profile is lated added<br><br>
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$GrowthRateEstimator$defaultGrowthRateEstimator(minWindow, maxWindow)
R6 GrowthRateEstimator object: a growth rate and \(R_t\) estimator that does not account for uncertainty in the infectivity profile.
Produces a GrowthRateEstimator that will estimate growth rate only, with sane defaults, and estimating using windows between 4 and 14 days<br><br>
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$GrowthRateEstimator$basicGrowthRateEstimator()
R6 GrowthRateEstimator object: a growth rate and \(R_t\) estimator that does not account for uncertainty in the infectivity profile.
the default no-args constructor
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$Serialiser$new()
R6 Serialiser object:
no description
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$Serialiser$serialiseDataframe(dataframe, filename)
no description
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$Serialiser$deserialiseDataframe(filename)
no description
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$Serialiser$serialiseList(dataframe, filename)
no description
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$Serialiser$deserialiseList(filename)
no description
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$Serialiser$serialiseNamedList(dataframe, filename)
no description
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$Serialiser$deserialiseNamedList(filename)
no description
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$InfectivityProfile$new(discretePdf, id)
R6 InfectivityProfile object:
The Estimator is configured with the baseline \(R_0\) assumptions which are used as prior values for \(R_t\) when no other values are available, or the @link CoriEstimator#withDefaultPrior() option is used.
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$CoriEstimator$new(r0Mean, r0SD, maxWindow)
R6 CoriEstimator object:
Produces a CoriEstimator that is configured to behave like the default settings of EpiEstim. In that it uses a fixed prior for Rt and returns a fixed window size<br><br>
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$CoriEstimator$defaultEpiEstim(infectivityProfile, meanR0, sdR0, window)
R6 CoriEstimator object: a default cori estimator
Produces a CoriEstimator that is configured to behave like the default settings of EpiEstim. In that it uses a fixed prior for Rt and returns a fixed window size and aggregates uncertain SI distributions with a random resampling strategy<br><br>
J = jepidemic::JavaApi$get() J$CoriEstimator$defaultUncertainEpiEstim(infectivityProfiles, meanR0, sdR0, window, n2)
R6 CoriEstimator object: a default cori estimator