File output
determining where an output file when you may want date versioning.
# an output directory in the current project with date versioning in the filename itself
# out = outputter(here::here("output"))
# out("figure1.png")
# an output directory in a temp directory which has versioned subdirectories
out2 = outputter(normalizePath(tempdir(), mustWork = FALSE),datedSubdirectory = TRUE)
#> directing output to: /tmp/RtmpphSRPP
#> /tmp/RtmpphSRPP/2024-06-12/figure1.png
out2("supplementary1.xlsx",delete = TRUE)
#> /tmp/RtmpphSRPP/2024-06-12/supplementary1.xlsx
# unversioned files in temp directory
out3 = outputter(normalizePath(tempdir(), mustWork = FALSE),datedSubdirectory = FALSE,datedFile = FALSE)
#> directing output to: /tmp/RtmpphSRPP
#> /tmp/RtmpphSRPP/figure1.png
Ggplot utilities
# set a range of defaults for graphs
ggrrr::gg_pedantic(font = "Roboto")
# Create a graph and save it to a png and pdf with near exact matches in output layout and to fit in a third A4 page
plot = ggplot(diamonds, aes(x=carat,y=price,color = color))+geom_point()+annotate("label",x=2,y=10000,label="Hello")+labs(tag = "A")
tmp = plot %>% gg_save_as(out2("diamonds1"), size = std_size$third)
message("Files were saved as: \n",tmp$png,"\n",tmp$pdf)
#> Files were saved as:
#> /tmp/RtmpphSRPP/2024-06-12/diamonds1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpphSRPP/2024-06-12/diamonds1.pdf
Tabular data in ggplots
A simple table
tableExample = diamonds %>%
mutate(size = cut(carat, breaks=c(-Inf,quantile(carat, probs = c(0.25,0.75)),Inf), labels=c("small","medium","large")) %>% as.factor()) %>%
group_by(size,cut) %>%
N = n(),
depth = sprintf_list("%1.2f (IQR %1.2f \u2014 %1.2f)", quantile(depth,c(0.5,0.25,0.75))),
price = sprintf_list("%1.0f (IQR %1.0f \u2014 %1.0f)", quantile(price,c(0.5,0.25,0.75)))
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'size'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
tableExample %>% gg_simple_table(font = "Roboto")