There are quite a few systems for font management in R. A key part of our work is trying to make graphs and tables cross platform reproducible, and consistent. This means dealing with fonts across different platforms.

Transparently ensure a font is available

Instead of specifying a font family as a character in a call to ggplot, we can use a check_font() call which tries to find the font on your system and if not available downloads it from Google fonts or Brick and registers it with systemfonts, returning the family name.

ggplot rendering uses systemfonts and attempts to make the output portable for use by embedding webfonts into the svg outputs. if the sub option is TRUE, check_font() will guess an alternative.

##   Helvetica 
## "Helvetica"

Check what fonts are available

Find out what fonts ggrrr can find on this system.

# list all available fonts
tmp = fonts_available()

# Check if specific fonts are available. Returns
## [1] "Roboto"    "Arial"     "Helvetica"

Download a font from webfont providers

Checks if a local font is available. If not downloads and installs the font and registers in the systemfonts packages. Currently supported are google and brick

# clears any registered fonts
## This wipes font databases created by `systemfonts`, `extrafonts` and `ggrrr`.
## These will be rebuilt on demand by `ggrrr`.
## N.b. This will NOT remove any custom fonts installed on your system by `ggrrr`.Are you sure? (yes/No/cancel)
# if the fonts is named the names are used for the family on this system
check_font(c("Roboto","Arial","Kings","EB Garamond"))
##        Roboto         Arial         Kings   EB Garamond 
##      "Roboto"       "Arial"       "Kings" "EB Garamond"
## # A tibble: 0 × 7
## # ℹ 7 variables: path <chr>, index <int>, family <chr>, style <chr>,
## #   weight <ord>, italic <lgl>, features <list>