This may reset the grouping of the tracked data if the grouping structure has changed since the data frame was paused. If you try and resume tracking a data frame with too many groups (as defined by options("dtrackr.max_supported_groupings"=XX)) then the resume will fail and the data frame will still be paused. This can be overridden by specifying a value for the .maxgroups parameter.

resume(.data, ...)



a tracked dataframe


Arguments passed on to p_group_by


a set of glue specs. The glue code can use any global variable, or {.cols} which is the columns that are being grouped by.


a headline glue spec. The glue code can use any global variable, or {.cols}.


if you want the summary data from this step in the future then give it a name with .tag.


the maximum number of subgroups allowed before the tracking is paused.


the .data data frame with history graph tracking resumed


iris %>% track() %>% pause() %>% resume() %>% history()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 1 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "150 items"