Start tracking the dtrackr history graph

  .messages = .defaultMessage(),
  .headline = .defaultHeadline(),
  .tag = NULL



a dataframe which may be grouped


a character vector of glue specifications. A glue specification can refer to any grouping variables of .data, or any variables defined in the calling environment, the {.total} variable which is the count of all rows, the {.count} variable which is the count of rows in the current group and the {.strata} which describes the current group. Defaults to the value of getOption("dtrackr.default_message").


a glue specification which can refer to grouping variables of .data, or any variables defined in the calling environment, or the {.total} variable which is nrow(.data), or {.strata} a summary of the current group. Defaults to the value of getOption("dtrackr.default_headline").


if you want the summary data from this step in the future then give it a name with .tag.


the .data dataframe with additional history graph metadata, to allow tracking.


iris %>% track() %>% history()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 1 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "150 items"