Slice operations behave as in dplyr, except the history graph can be updated with tracked dataframe with the before and after sizes of the dataframe. See dplyr::slice(), dplyr::slice_head(), dplyr::slice_tail(), dplyr::slice_min(), dplyr::slice_max(), dplyr::slice_sample(), for more details on the underlying functions.

  .messages = c("{} before", "{.count.out} after"),
  .headline = "slice data"



A data frame, data frame extension (e.g. a tibble), or a lazy data frame (e.g. from dbplyr or dtplyr). See Methods, below, for more details.


Arguments passed on to dplyr::slice_head


Provide either n, the number of rows, or prop, the proportion of rows to select. If neither are supplied, n = 1 will be used. If n is greater than the number of rows in the group (or prop > 1), the result will be silently truncated to the group size. prop will be rounded towards zero to generate an integer number of rows.

A negative value of n or prop will be subtracted from the group size. For example, n = -2 with a group of 5 rows will select 5 - 2 = 3 rows; prop = -0.25 with 8 rows will select 8 * (1 - 0.25) = 6 rows.


a set of glue specs. The glue code can use any global variable, {}, {.count.out} for the input and output dataframes sizes respectively and {.excluded} for the difference


a glue spec. The glue code can use any global variable, {}, {.count.out} for the input and output dataframes sizes respectively.


the sliced dataframe with the history graph updated.

See also




# the first 50% of the data frame, is taken and the history tracked
iris %>% track() %>% group_by(Species) %>%
  slice_head(prop=0.5,.messages="{.count.out} / {}",
             .headline="First {sprintf('%1.0f',prop*100)}%") %>%
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 3 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> ├ [Species:setosa]: "First 50%", "25 / 50"
#> ├ [Species:versicolor]: "First 50%", "25 / 50"
#> └ [Species:virginica]: "First 50%", "25 / 50"

# The last 100 items:
iris %>% track() %>% group_by(Species) %>%
  slice_tail(n=100,.messages="{.count.out} / {}",
             .headline="Last 100") %>%
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 3 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> ├ [Species:setosa]: "Last 100", "50 / 50"
#> ├ [Species:versicolor]: "Last 100", "50 / 50"
#> └ [Species:virginica]: "Last 100", "50 / 50"