(advance usage) outputs a dtrackr
history graph as a DOT string for rendering with Graphviz
p_get_as_dot(.data, fill = "lightgrey", fontsize = "8", colour = "black", ...)
the tracked dataframe
the default node fill colour
the default font size
the default font colour
not used
a representation of the history graph in Graphviz
dot format.
tmp = iris %>% track() %>% comment(.tag = "step1") %>% filter(Species!="versicolor")
dot = tmp %>% group_by(Species) %>% comment(.tag="step2") %>% p_get_as_dot()
#> digraph {
#> graph [layout = 'dot',
#> splines='ortho',
#> rankdir = 'TB',
#> outputorder = 'edgesfirst',
#> bgcolor = 'white',
#> ranksep = '0.25',
#> nodesep = '0.2',
#> newrank='true']
#> node [fontname = 'Helvetica',
#> fontsize = '8',
#> shape='box',
#> fixedsize = 'false',
#> margin = '0.1,0.1',
#> width = '0',
#> height = '0',
#> style = 'filled',
#> color = 'black',
#> fontcolor = 'black',
#> labeljust='l']
#> edge [fontname = 'Helvetica',
#> fontsize = '8',
#> len = '0.5',
#> color = 'black',
#> arrowsize = '0.5']
#> { rank='same';
#> '5' [label=<<B>Species:setosa</B><BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>50 items<BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>>,group='Species:setosa',fillcolor='white'];
#> '6' [label=<<B>Species:virginica</B><BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>50 items<BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>>,group='Species:virginica',fillcolor='white'];
#> }
#> { rank='same';
#> '4' [label=<stratify by Species<BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>>,group='',fillcolor='white'];
#> }
#> { rank='same';
#> '2' [label=<150 items<BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>>,group='',fillcolor='white'];
#> '3' [label=<excluded 50 items<BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>>,group='',fillcolor='grey80'];
#> }
#> { rank='same';
#> '1' [label=<150 items<BR ALIGN='LEFT'/>>,group='',fillcolor='white'];
#> }
#> '4' -> '6' [tailport='s',weight='100']
#> '4' -> '5' [tailport='s',weight='100']
#> '2' -> '4' [tailport='s',weight='100']
#> '2' -> '3' [tailport='e',weight='1']
#> '1' -> '2' [tailport='s',weight='100']
#> }