These perform set operations on tracked dataframes. It merges the history of 2 (or more) dataframes and combines the rows (or columns). It calculates the total number of resulting rows as {.count.out} in other terms it performs exactly the same operation as the equivalent dplyr operation. See dplyr::bind_rows(), dplyr::bind_cols(), dplyr::intersect(), dplyr::union(), dplyr::setdiff(),dplyr::intersect(), or dplyr::union_all() for the underlying function details.

  .messages = "{.count.out} in combined set",
  .headline = "Bind columns"



a collection of tracked data frames to combine


a set of glue specs. The glue code can use any global variable, or {.count.out}


a glue spec. The glue code can use any global variable, or {.count.out}


the dplyr output with the history graph updated.

See also




# Set operations
people = starwars %>% select(-films, -vehicles, -starships)
chrs = people %>% track("start")

lhs = chrs %>% include_any(
  species == "Human" ~ "{.included} humans",
  species == "Droid" ~ "{.included} droids"

# these are different subsets of the same data
rhs = chrs %>% include_any(
  species == "Human" ~ "{.included} humans",
  species == "Gungan" ~ "{.included} gungans"
) %>% comment("{.count} gungans & humans")

# Unions
set = bind_rows(lhs,rhs) %>% comment("{.count} 2*human,droids and gungans")
# display the history of the result:
set %>% history()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 3 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "79 2*human,droids and gungans"
#> [1] 79
# not run - display the flowchart:
# set %>% flowchart()

set = union(lhs,rhs) %>% comment("{.count} human,droids and gungans")
# display the history of the result:
set %>% history()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 5 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "44 human,droids and gungans"
#> [1] 44
# not run - display the flowchart:
# set %>% flowchart()

set = union_all(lhs,rhs) %>% comment("{.count} 2*human,droids and gungans")
# display the history of the result:
set %>% history()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 5 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "79 2*human,droids and gungans"
#> [1] 79
# not run - display the flowchart:
# set %>% flowchart()

# Intersections and differences

set = setdiff(lhs,rhs) %>% comment("{.count} droids and gungans")
# display the history of the result:
set %>% history()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 5 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "6 droids and gungans"
#> [1] 6
# not run - display the flowchart:
# set %>% flowchart()

set = intersect(lhs,rhs) %>% comment("{.count} humans")
# display the history of the result:
set %>% history()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 5 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "35 humans"
#> [1] 35
# not run - display the flowchart:
# set %>% flowchart()