Mutating joins behave as dplyr joins, except the history graph of the two sides of the joins is merged resulting in a tracked dataframe with the history of both input dataframes. See dplyr::anti_join() for more details on the underlying functions.

# S3 method for trackr_df
  .messages = c("{.count.lhs} on LHS", "{.count.rhs} on RHS", "{.count.out} not matched"),
  .headline = "Semi join by {.keys}"


x, y

A pair of data frames, data frame extensions (e.g. a tibble), or lazy data frames (e.g. from dbplyr or dtplyr). See Methods, below, for more details.


Other parameters passed onto methods.


a set of glue specs. The glue code can use any global variable, {.keys} for the joining columns, {.count.lhs}, {.count.rhs}, {.count.out} for the input and output dataframes sizes respectively


a glue spec. The glue code can use any global variable, {.keys} for the joining columns, {.count.lhs}, {.count.rhs}, {.count.out} for the input and output dataframes sizes respectively


the join of the two dataframes with the history graph updated.

See also



# Joins across data sets

# example data uses the dplyr starways data
people = starwars %>% select(-films, -vehicles, -starships)
films = starwars %>% select(name,films) %>% tidyr::unnest(cols = c(films))

lhs = people %>% track() %>% comment("People df {.total}")
rhs = films %>% track() %>% comment("Films df {.total}") %>%
  comment("a test comment")

# Anti join
join = lhs %>% anti_join(rhs, by="name") %>% comment("joined {.total}")
# See what the history of the graph is:
join %>% history() %>% print()
#> dtrackr history:
#> number of flowchart steps: 5 (approx)
#> tags defined: <none>
#> items excluded so far: <not capturing exclusions>
#> last entry / entries:
#> └ "joined 0"
#> [1] 0
# Display the tracked graph (not run in examples)
# join %>% flowchart()